Tuesday, November 15, 2005
How to make goat cheese ?
Merci beaucoup à Bruno, Mélanie et Valentin pour leur patience (eh oui je suis pas encore une parfaite fermière) et leur gentillesse. A bientot !!! Fanny
If you've ever read my blog, you might know i'm studying agronomic sciences in Toulouse. And as a first year student i must do a training period in a farm.
So i did. I went to a farm located near the lovely town of Tourrettes sur Loup in the Cote d'Azur. The farmer, Bruno (which is also a fabulous poet), breeds Alpine goats. I spent 2 weeks there a fortnight ago and had a great time : i milked the goats, made the cheese, tried to place ALL the goats in a meadow; but what i loved most was cuddling the babies (as i called them but basically they were 6 to 8 months old) and especially the little Arwen - who's a bit ill (she can't walk properly and is a bit slow).
So, how to make soft goat cheese?1. Milk the goat and put the milk in a basin. Add 1ml rennet for 1l milk and yeasts and leave to stand overnight.
The next morning you'll get : curd and whey :
2. Fill the mould with the curd.
The following afternoon, turn the "cheeses" upside-down and add a pinch of salt over each cheese.
3. The next morning, unmould the cheese and salt the other side. The cheese is now ready to be eaten... Bon Appétit !
But at Bruno's you can also have lots of different cheeses : pesto cheese, tapenade cheese, tomme (hard pressed cheese), buchette, pepper cheese...
If ever you visit the Cote d'Azur , please go to Bruno's and you'll be amazed how come you'd never tasted such fine goat cheese.
Here is his website :
www.chevredescourmettes.com for further information and access map.
Labels: cheese, garden and campagne
Banlieue Blog said something sweet:
Fanny!! I love this post, what fun.
I also just took a look at your flickr photos, they are superb! Glad to see all is going well!
All the best!
- 16 November, 2005 13:52
*fanny* said something sweet:
Hi Melissa, i'm glad you enjoyed that post, it was very important to me. Thanx for having a look at the pix too.
PS i saw you haven't made your blog banner yet, naughty girl...
- 16 November, 2005 14:37
Banlieue Blog said something sweet:
Oh yeah.....my banner, how do you say LAZY in French???
Soon my dear!!
- 17 November, 2005 15:59
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