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Sunday, January 15, 2006
The crafty weekend of a foodie

Do know that kind of people that prefer doing some silly non-necessary things instead of doing the urgent things? I am one of those.
See, my exams are coming faster and faster and what do I find myself doing? Making some fake doughnuts and wonderful wine charms!

Fake donuts
I have been lurking at these fantastic fabric donuts for months now and wanted to make some as soon as I saw them. So last week when I went to a nice bead shop and found the perfect 'sprinkles' beads, I just couldn't resist anymore. I had to make doughnuts but knew it wasn't going to be easy.
As a scientific I started making plans and maquettes, my doughnuts were going to be perfect.
Yesterday afternoon I went in the city centre in the aim to find a present for a friend's birthday but stopped at a fabric shop and bought all the needed fabrics to make the perfect donut. I chose some cream cotton and baby pink wool baize for the creamy icing.

I also bought some ribbon to stamp out my soon to be brand as I consider starting a very small business among my friends.
I am very proud of how my first ever doughnut turned out and I have thousands of ideas for my next creations. I can't wait to buy some more fabric to give them birth.
Actually I have never made true doughnuts and now I can make the fake ones nothing is going to stop me from achieving the perfect chewy 'krispy-kreme-like' doughnuts.

Wine charms
I remember the first time I discovered what wine charms were. I thought it was a clever idea and that they looked so pretty on wine glasses. A kind of bijou de verre [glass jewellery].
Ever since, I have been desperate to find the most wonderful wine charms – sadly with no success.
But when I saw Clotilde's post about making wine charms I told myself – you can make them too.

So I rushed to la Droguerie, another bead shop (and eventually my paradise on earth) to buy the appropriate beads, rings and headpins. I did buy the same bid beads as Clotilde as I already spotted them when making my mother a bracelet a year ago. And because they were the only chic ones I could find in six different colours – though I would have preferred twelve.
These were not cheap to make but would do a nice present for a birthday or any other event.
Sadly I don't have wine glasses over here in Toulouse so the picture is alcohol-free !

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12 sweets:
Anonymous Anonymous said something sweet:

Nothing to say, it is wondeful ! You did exactly what you wanted... I really think you could sell them! Well done Fanny!

15 January, 2006 19:40 

Blogger *fanny* said something sweet:

Thanx Marion. See you tomorrow...

15 January, 2006 20:15 

Blogger Unknown said something sweet:

hi fanny
Do you live in TOULOUSE ? i was born and raised there
Love your Wine charms and the donuts .....

15 January, 2006 20:34 

Blogger Fran said something sweet:

Hi Fanny--I think we must have the same tendencies! That is the cutest thing I have ever seen. I am all for doing something when you feel like it. You are so clever. It is just adorable. I wish I had thought of it. I love doing those kinds of things. The wine charms are lovely! Keep up the dreams and keep carrying through. Good luck on the exams! (That is the teacher in me! haha)

15 January, 2006 22:27 

Blogger *fanny* said something sweet:

Hi Garance, i am actually studying in toulouse for the next two years. That's quite a coincidence.
Thank you for your comment.

Hi Fran, we should definitely meet to spend afternoons baking and crafting. When i'll be less busy i'll send you a doughnut.


16 January, 2006 15:28 

Anonymous Anonymous said something sweet:

I love it !!! It is so a boubinou thing... You will always surprise me...

16 January, 2006 16:50 

Anonymous Anonymous said something sweet:

trop marrant ce petit donuts!

19 January, 2006 11:06 

Blogger Sam said something sweet:

hey fanny - we won't need diets if we stick to those fabric donuts, eh?

20 January, 2006 19:00 

Anonymous Anonymous said something sweet:

Hi Fanny,
I'm liking the look of those Donuts - I wonder if I can make a "tough" one for my new puppy?!

20 January, 2006 19:51 

Blogger iamchanelle said something sweet:

hi fanny! thank you so much for reading my post on my wine charms, many thanks to clotilde...
it is so nice to meet you!

21 January, 2006 16:46 

Blogger *fanny* said something sweet:

Hi Fanny, t's vu comme c'est sweet! 100% pure boubinou.

Hi Assa, je t'en ferai un des que j'ai le temps.

Hi Sam, that's true indeed - makable, not so sure!!!

Hi gastrochick, you have anex puppy! I want to see a pic.
PS i'm so happy i discovered your blog.

Hi iamchanelle, nice to meet you too.


21 January, 2006 16:55 

Blogger Pille said something sweet:

The donut is really cute indeed, and the wine charms are absolutely necessary I've come to realise..
Well done!

24 January, 2006 15:37 

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